what is happening??

lately... it's sad when i open the newspaper or watch the news...
it's painful when i think about what our country is turning into...
i love this country... i do but some days i wish i was elsewhere....

why is it so hard to say 'sorry'... is it pride@stupidity...
why are they bringing up old stories....
why segregate us more in this time of turmoil....
why is history repeating itself
will it lead to a same outcome, i pray never!!!

i'm sick and tired of this....
it's not just our country...
the world is in decline... is there nothing we can do??
will they always let emotion cloud their judgement?

simple is easy?

i heard a very interesting saying the other day...

"easy is not simple , simple is not easy"

then it occured to me that it's so true!!! think about it~~

of course it doesn't apply to everything... mainly life and it's problems... but the more i think it the more it makes sense!!!