sharing a poem with u guys~~~

i got this poem from tyng, who got it from yels who got it from the poet herself!!!

so here goes :

I can ask you out, yeah, I can play the chase,
As long as we take turns in running this race,
I can wear the pants, but I prefer to rock a dress,
So if you make the move, I will be impressed,
I like looking after, but I don't want a baby,
I still want a man who treat me like the lady.

I don't wannabe told I'm a fine lookin honey,
I rather a gentlemen who says I'm smart and funny,
Don't attempt smooth talk, it's really not slick,
Don't flaunt money, you'd just make me sick,
Show me you have brains, make me laugh instead,
Prove you got something going on in your head.

I want someone who'll cook with me in the kitchen,
Not watch TV while I make pasta and chicken,
If I cook the meal, then you can serve the drinks,
Then you can do the dishes, and I'll wipe up the sink,
I'll pay for the movies if you pay for the meal,
Or we could buy a DVD if that's more ideal,
As long as we agree to play equal parts,
Equal work, equal sorrys, equal mind, equal hearts.

Don't like labels, don't need to see bling,
I don't give a damn about material things,
It doesn't even matter what car you drive,
I only care about your outlook on life,
What's the point of being rich if you're mood is always crappy,
I rather be with a broke ass fool who's happy.

It ain't about what you make or the clothes that you wear,
You could wear Padini for all I care,
It's the man under the clothes that I wanna know,
Can you stand up tall, can you hold your own?
Do you have it in you to fight temptation,..
In return for my loyalty and admiration?

I hope for a love sparking inspiration breakthrough,
Like Destiny's Child sings just let me cater to you,
I wanna spoil my man and and not be afraid,
For public affection to be put on display,
So I can let my guard down and feel free to be silly,
To be allowed moments where I'm just plain girlie,
And to be reassured you'll still love me for me,
Including the verbal diarrhoea and big booty.

I don't need perfect, there is no joy in perfection,
A real man of the world would be my selection,
Whether a broke student, or a business risk taker,
Or work an office job, or an indie music maker,
It just matters that you're secure and know who you are,
And whatever you do, you to aspire to go far,
Balance quality time and still give enough space,
And if we're lucky all the pieces will fall into place.

I would tell the world, I'd shout it out to the globe,
So I got no patience for 'dem commitment-phobes,
I don't quota affection, I give absolutely all of,
Like Beyonce who sings Dangerously In Love,
I wear my heart on my sleeve, I cannot love discreetly,
'Cos when I choose to love, I love so completely.


i'm graduating!!!!


yes ppl~~ just as the blog title says, I.AM.GRADUATING!!!!! yay-ness~~~
*pic from here *

so i've been in Medan since Monday and staying at my usual plce with the usual ppl~~
the 1st thing i did was to go out and get aqua!!! lol a must!!

Tuesday pegi jumpa PDI (aka Pembantu Dekan I).. BUT suprise suprise... no show so we just basically went for a briefing for upacara angkat sumpah. Then i made an appointment with the salon to set my hair (which i mught add is a MUST! if i had my way, my hair would be down~~)

Wednesday : HARI UPACARA ANGKAT SUMPAH! lol basically taking the doctors oath with the dean, vice's, heads of departments and hospitals as witnesses. So this is "periode wisuda ke-3" and 84 of us will be graduating as doctors. 5 ppl from my class got "cum laude" @ 1st class honours (if i'm not mistaken). initially, i was planning to wear just normal baju kurung for the angkat sumpah but apparently, angkat sumpah is more meriah than the actual graduation!! so there goes my plan.... i switched the clothes to the one i plan to wear at the graduation. i'll put the pixies when i have the time or the inclination (more towards inclination so i cannot promise!)... so before the ceremony, i went to the salon at 8am and was at the faculty by 9.15am. made my appointment for hair and make-up saturday at 5.30am. malasnyer nak bangun~~

so today i'm super bored~~~ hahaha hence the blog entry~~~ also cos facebook is down for maintenance~~~ " my name is aniza..... and i am a facebook addict~~" hahahahaha and recently, nurul has come out of the closet too, about her addiction~~ O_o"

btw, did i mention i was ruining my diet and workout plan by eating and non-exercising??? i'm doomed!!!! :)

i guess that's it for now~~ i'm tired writing so much!!!!! hahahhaahhaahahahahahhahha

ps: i'm so excited my family coming tomorrow!!! :)


courtesy of abang~~~ interesting but how true this happened ALLAHualam je la ye....


Ada seorang pemuda Arab yang baru saja menyelesaikan bangku kuliahnya di Amerika. Pemuda ini adalah salah seorang yang diberi nikmat oleh Allah berupa pendidikan agama Islam bahkan dia mampu mendalaminya. Selain belajar, dia juga seorang jurudakwah Islam.

Ketika berada di Amerika, dia berkenalan dengan salah seorang Nasrani. Hubungan mereka semakin akrab, dengan harapan semoga Allah s.w.t. memberinya hidayah masuk Islam. Pada suatu hari mereka berdua berjalan-jalan di sebuah perkampungan di Amerika dan melintas dekat sebuah gereja yang terdapat di kampung tersebut. Temannya itu meminta agar dia turut masuk ke dalam gereja. Mula mula dia keberatan, namun kerana desakan akhirnya pemuda itu pun memenuhi permintaannya lalu ikut masuk ke dalam gereja dan duduk di salah satu bangku dengan hening, sebagaimana kebiasaan mereka.

Ketika paderi masuk, mereka serentak berdiri untuk memberikan penghormatan lantas kembali duduk. Di saat itu, si paderi agak terbeliak ketika melihat kepada para hadirin dan berkata, "Di tengah kita ada seorang Muslim. Aku harap dia keluar dari sini." Pemuda Arab itu tidak bergerak dari tempatnya. Paderi tersebut mengucapkan perkataan itu berkali-kali, namun dia tetap tidak bergerak dari tempatnya. Hingga akhirnya paderi itu berkata, "Aku minta dia keluar dari sini dan aku menjamin keselamatannya." Barulah pemuda ini beranjak keluar.

Di ambang pintu, pemuda bertanya kepada sang paderi, "Bagaimana anda tahu bahawa saya seorang Muslim?"Paderi itu menjawab, "Dari tanda yang terdapat di wajahmu." Kemudian dia beranjak hendak keluar. Namun, paderi ingin memanfaatkan kehadiran pemuda ini dengan mengajukan beberapa pertanyaan, tujuannya untuk memalukan pemuda tersebut dan sekaligus mengukuhkan agamanya.

Pemuda Muslim itupun menerima tentangan debat tersebut. Paderi berkata, "Aku akan mengajukan kepada anda 22 pertanyaan dan anda harus menjawabnya dengan tepat. " Si pemuda tersenyum dan berkata, "Silakan!"

Sang paderi pun mulai bertanya, "Sebutkan satu yang tiada duanya, dua yang tiada tiganya, tiga yang tiada empatnya, empat yang tiada limanya, lima yang tiada enamnya, enam yang tiada tujuhnya, tujuh yang tiada delapannya, delapan yang tiada sembilannya, sembilan yang tiada sepuluhnya, sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari sepuluh, sebelas yang tiada dua belasnya, dua belas yang tiada tiga belasnya, tiga belas yang tiada empat belasnya."

"Sebutkan sesuatu yang dapat bernafas namun tidak mempunyai ruh! Apa yang dimaksud dengan kuburan berjalan membawa isinya? Siapakah yang berdusta namun masuk ke dalam syurga? Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah namun Dia tidak menyukainya? Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dengan tanpa ayah dan ibu!"

"Siapakah yang tercipta dari api, siapakah yang diazab dengan api dan siapakah yang terpelihara dari api? Siapakah yang tercipta dari batu, siapakah yang diazab dengan batu dan siapakah yang terpelihara dari batu?"

"Sebutkan sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dan dianggap besar! Pohon apakah yang mempunyai 12 ranting, setiap ranting mempunyai 30 daun, setiap daun mempunyai 5 buah, 3 di bawah naungan dan dua di bawah sinaran matahari?"

Mendengar pertanyaan tersebut, pemuda itu tersenyum dengan keyakinan kepada Allah. Setelah membaca "Bismillah..." dia berkata,

-Satu yang tiada duanya ialah Allah s.w.t..

-Dua yang tiada tiganya ialah Malam dan Siang. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Dan Kami jadikan malam dan siang sebagai dua tanda (kebesaran kami)." (Al-Isra': 12).

-Tiga yang tiada empatnya adalah kesilapan yang dilakukan Nabi Musa ketika Khidir menenggelamkan sampan, membunuh seorang anak kecil dan ketika menegakkan kembali dinding yang hampir roboh.

-Empat yang tiada limanya adalah Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan al-Qur'an.

- Lima yang tiada enamnya ialah Solat lima waktu.

-Enam yang tiada tujuhnya ialah jumlah Hari ketika Allah s.w.t. menciptakan makhluk.

-Tujuh yang tiada delapannya ialah Langit yang tujuh lapis. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Yang telah menciptakan tujuh langit berlapis-lapis. Kamu sekali-kali tidak melihat pada ciptaan Rabb Yang Maha Pemurah sesuatu yang tidak seimbang." (Al-Mulk: 3).

-Delapan yang tiada sembilannya ialah Malaikat pemikul Arsy ar-Rahman. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Dan malaikat-malaikat berada di penjuru-penjuru langit. Dan pada hari itu delapan orang malaikat menjunjung 'Arsy Rabbmu di atas (kepala) mereka." (Al-Haqah: 17).

-Sembilan yang tiada sepuluhnya adalah mu'jizat yang diberikan kepada Nabi Musa iaitu: tongkat, tangan yang bercahaya, angin topan, musim paceklik, katak, darah, kutu dan belalang.

-Sesuatu yang tidak lebih dari sepuluh ialah Kebaikan. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Barang siapa yang berbuat kebaikan maka untuknya sepuluh kali lipat." (Al-An'am: 160).

-Sebelas yang tiada dua belasnya ialah jumlah Saudara-Saudara Nabi Yusuf .

-Dua belas yang tiada tiga belasnya ialah Mu'jizat Nabi Musa yang terdapat dalam firman Allah, "Dan (ingatlah) ketika Musa memohon air untuk kaumnya, lalu Kami berfirman, "Pukullah batu itu dengan tongkatmu." Lalu memancarlah daripadanya dua belas mata air." (Al-Baqarah: 60). -Tiga belas yang tiada empat belasnya ialah jumlah Saudara Nabi Yusuf ditambah dengan ayah dan ibunya.

-Adapun sesuatu yang bernafas namun tidak mempunyai ruh adalah waktu Subuh. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Dan waktu subuh apabila fajarnya mulai menyingsing." (At-Takwir: 18).

-Kuburan yang membawa isinya adalah Ikan yang menelan Nabi Yunus AS.

-Mereka yang berdusta namun masuk ke dalam surga adalah saudara-saudara Nabi Yusuf, yakni ketika mereka berkata kepada ayahnya, "Wahai ayah kami, sesungguhnya kami pergi berlumba-lumba dan kami tinggalkan Yusuf di dekat barang-barang kami, lalu dia dimakan serigala." Setelah kedustaan terungkap, Yusuf berkata kepada mereka, "Tak ada cercaan terhadap kamu semua." Dan ayah mereka Ya'qub berkata, "Aku akan memohonkan ampun bagimu kepada Rabbku. Sesungguhnya Dia-lah Yang Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penyayang." (Yusuf:98)

-Sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah namun tidak Dia sukai adalah suara Keldai. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Sesungguhnya sejelek-jelek suara adalah suara keldai." (Luqman: 19). -Makhluk yang diciptakan Allah tanpa bapa dan ibu adalah Nabi Adam, Malaikat, Unta Nabi Shalih dan Kambing Nabi Ibrahim.

-Makhluk yang diciptakan dari api adalah Iblis, yang diazab dengan api ialah Abu Jahal dan yang terpelihara dari api adalah Nabi Ibrahim. Allah s.w.t. berfirman, "Wahai api dinginlah dan selamatkan Ibrahim." (Al-Anbiya':69).

-Makhluk yang terbuat dari batu adalah Unta Nabi Shalih, yang diazab dengan batu adalah tentara bergajah dan yang terpelihara dari batu adalah Ashabul Kahfi (penghuni gua).

-Sesuatu yang diciptakan Allah dan dianggap perkara besar adalah Tipu Daya Wanita, sebagaimana firman Allah s.w.t. "Sesungguhnya tipu daya kaum wanita itu sangatlah besar." (Yusuf: 28).

-Adapun pohon yang memiliki 12 ranting setiap ranting mempunyai 30 daun, setiap daun mempunyai 5 buah, 3 di bawah teduhan dan dua di bawah sinaran matahari maknanya: Pohon adalah Tahun, Ranting adalah Bulan, Daun adalah Hari dan Buahnya adalah Solat yang lima waktu, Tiga dikerjakan di malam hari dan Dua di siang hari.

Paderi dan para hadirin merasa takjub mendengar jawapan pemuda Muslim tersebut. Kemudian dia pun mula hendak pergi. Namun dia mengurungkan niatnya dan meminta kepada paderi agar menjawab satu pertanyaan saja.

Permintaan ini disetujui oleh paderi. Pemuda ini berkata, "Apakah kunci syurga itu?" Mendengar pertanyaan itu lidah paderi menjadi kelu, hatinya diselimuti keraguan dan rupa wajahnya pun berubah. Dia berusaha menyembunyikan kekuatirannya, namun tidak berhasil. Orang-orang yang hadir di gereja itu terus mendesaknya agar menjawab pertanyaan tersebut, namun dia cuba mengelak.

Mereka berkata, "Anda telah melontarkan 22 pertanyaan kepadanya dan semuanya dia jawab, sementara dia hanya memberi cuma satu pertanyaan namun anda tidak mampu menjawabnya!" Paderi tersebut berkata, "Sesungguh aku tahu jawapannya, namun aku takut kalian marah." Mereka menjawab, "Kami akan jamin keselamatan anda. " Paderi pun berkata, "Jawapannya ialah: Asyhadu An La Ilaha Illallah, Wa Asyhadu Anna Muhammadar Rasulullah. "

Lantas paderi dan orang-orang yang hadir di gereja itu terus memeluk agama Islam. Sungguh Allah telah menganugerahkan kebaikan dan menjaga mereka dengan Islam melalui tangan seorang pemuda Muslim yang bertakwa .


sometimes i wonder what's up with the world lately... it's getting to be so unstable~~ it saddens me that people can brutalize children and simple disputes turn to murder.... are we not talking enough? is it the influence of media?

recently, i read about parents who married their 10/11 year old girls @ selling off to men old enought to be their dads.. in their 30's and 40's!!! WTF??!! go here and here. okie i have to admit when say in the case of the 11 year old, she disappeared after 1 day married supposedly with the man..... for sure i thought " STUPID IDIOTS... YOU MARRY YOUR DAUGHTER TO A PERFECT STRANGER!!! THAT'S BAD ENUFF~~SHE'S ACROSS THE BORDER!!!". but lo and behold, they found her in selangor traumatized and asking to be separated from her parents and want's to go to relatives!! omg... i swear the parent's are undeniably stupid and idiotic!! when their daughter was missing they asked for help in finding her (in the papers!) and they expect not to be persecuted? and the dad quoted some "akta keluarga kelantan" crap!!! *nauseous and vomitting* i mean she's just a baby!!

in another incident, a 3 year old baby girl was murdered by her mother's BOYFRIEND just cos she was late coming home! why? i'm not even gonna tell you the ploys the mother is using~~ cos the whole world already blames her.... but why is she attracted to psychos? maybe cos good men are really hard to come by huh~~~ ppppfftttttt

this is depressing me~~~ 2010 is not shaping up to be a good year~~~i'm worried

i am back, maybe, possibly.. i dunno....

it's been a while...

i kinda missed raving and ranting here....


so what's been happening??

my life is moving along, potholes and bumps here and there but nothing significant YET!!! i'm actually pretty worried bout december, january and mac and may and the future....

i'll update here when sumthing happens~~~lol how vague is that?

right now tho i'm thinking.... why is it that in my college, i only trust well... maybe less than 5 people??? i kinda figured that my college is where all the weirdos and hypocrites gather cos seriously if i was here alone (without nurul~~) i might be MORE anti-social or GOD-FORBID actually turn into one of THEM??????!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... stuff nightmares are made of~~

kinda scared of the future now but i guess we'll cross the bridge when we actually get close enuff to it.....


a lot of things are going around in my head but i can't pinpoint 1 that i actually wanna say out loud.... hahahah

on a happier note, had a great raya!! and the holiday!! :P

okielar.. i'm just crapping without any substance... when i get my head back on straight, i'll write again~~~~

lifes' lessons

this article is courtesy of Shaz!! :p

Written By
Regina Brett, 90 years old, of The Plain Dealer, Cleveland, Ohio

"To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 45 lessons life taught me. It is the most-requested column I've ever written."

1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good. (it is)
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
(i dislike more than i hate!)
4. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.

5. Pay off your credit cards every month.

6. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. (good advice i think!)
7. Cry with someone. It's more healing than crying alone. (really?)
8. It's okay to get angry with God. He can take it. (noted)
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck. (will do)
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile. (I never resist!! <3)
11. Make peace with your past so it won't screw up the present.
12. It' okay to let your children see you cry.
13. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about
(everybody has their own unique journey)
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn't be in it. (somebody~~ take note!!)
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don't worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful
18. Whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It's never too late to have a happy childhood. But the 2nd one is up to you and no one else
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don't take no for an answer.
(something to think about)
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion. Today is special. (if u die u can't bring it with u!)
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
(i like)
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
(so true)
26. Frame every so-called disaster with these words, 'In five years, will this matter?' (ummmmm)
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone everything.
(i'm spiteful!!)
29. What other people think of you is none of your business. (i don't really care~)
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
(this too shall pass-nurul)
32.. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. (lol)
33. Believe in miracles
. (will try....)
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn't do.(i like this!)
35. Don't audit life. Show up and make the most of it now.

36. Growing old beats the alternative - dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
(it's hot outside)
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.

41. Envy is a waste of time.. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come. (still waiting...)
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
(to what exactly?)
45. Life isn't tied with a bow, but it's still a gift. (:p)

i think it's a real nice article~~~ :p

linguaphone "boy"!

okay... this might turm out to be a long post cos its been a while but maybe i'll break it up into a few parts.... we all know what a drag it is to read super long postings rite? :p

on sunday, the 28th of june, after attending my Basic Life Support (BLS) course (which will be explained later), i decided to go and check out the perlis book fair... if u noe me well enuff, u'll noe that i'm an absolute book addict (as long as it's novels! lol). the MAIN reason was to see if i can find an english novel in Perlis... yes ppl, believe it or not, there are no english novels sold on this land called perlis~~ the only thing english is magazines and newspapers and we wonder why ppl from here don't speak english very well rite? (some, not all) but lo and behold... it's a book fair with no english books except school books!!LAME~~~

okay.. back to my story... i was walking with aireena when near the exit we were stopped by this "boy-man" (lets call him "S") trying to sell us Linguaphone. the following is the closest i can get to the actual conversation...

S : kak... saya nak pinjam 5 minit masa kak boleh?
A : ummmm... tak payah la.... takpe....
S : kak, saya nak tanya sikit je... seberapa confident kak dengan bahasa english?
A : *smiles* saya confident sangat
S : oh ye ke? kenapa boleh confident sangat ni?
A : saya confident je la...
S : kalau macam tu, saya nak test akak boleh?
A : huh? oookaaaayyyy....
S : whatsurname?
A : *silence*
S : whatsurname?
A : Aniza
S : kata pandai bahasa english tapi jawab soalan macam tu.... orang tanya penuh, jawab pun penuh la. whatsurname?
A : my name is aniza
S : hah.. kan dah salah tu!
A : huh? tak mungkin lah saya salah... betul lah... jawapan dia my name is aniza.
S : SALAH! dalam bahasa inggris, mana ada my name is.... kena jawab my names
A : HUH? tak mungkin lah... mana ada my names...
S : iyaaa.... takde my name is, jawapan betul dia my names ....
A : tak mungkin lah... saya confident jawapan saya betul.
S : okay... kak ada amik MUET tak?
A : ada
S : dapat band berapa?
A : dapat band 5
S : *smirks* band 5? saya pun dapat band 5 gak, saya belajar kat UITM amik commercial marketing (or something sounding like that la i x dgr). saya tak percaya kak nyer MUET band 5... menurut saya, kak band 2!
S : kalau menurut saya kak band 2 je... kalo orang yang band 5, vocabulary kena ada 2000 kata... kak rasa kak ada 2000 kata x?
A : adalah!!!

suddenly he asks me to duduk kat 1 of the tables.... took a paper and pen and wrote the word police....

S : camner nak sebut ni?
Ai : police (cara malaysian cakap la... po-lis.. normal right?)
A : puh-lease (remembering he's trying to be perfect!)
S : so macam mana nie... 1 jawab polis, 1 lagi puhlease....
A : jawaban dia puh-lease...
S : baru betul...

i still x puas hati pasal the names thing.... so i asked him to write it down... he wrote down names as in my names aniza!

A : ni tak mungkin sangat ni...
S : kenapa tak mungkin... betul la.. tak percaya pulak!
A : saya confident gila ini salah... kalo ada 's mungkin tapi kalo names camni x mungkinla
S : kenapa kak confident sangat ni?
A : saya confidentla.... english is my first language, so i'm very confident about something so very basic
S : kak ni orang apa?
A : orang melayu
S : habis tu kenapa first language english pulak?
A : kenapa tak boleh? tapi apa pun saya confident gila nie salah...

calls a friend (T) over

S : tengok ni, diaorang x percaya names tu camni?
A : bukan saya x percaya bang... tapi kalo eja camni memang salah, kalo ada 's saya masih boleh terima lagi la
T : oh... memang ada 's
A : *with smug look on face* hah... kan i dah cakap!!
S : ohhhh *kerek look on face*

the rest of the conversation was meaningless... he probably x puas hati i proved him wrong so he ejek my penggunaan of "lah"... WTF??!
at the end of the debate, he suddenly...

S : boleh bagi saya phone no. x? saya nak testing english u lagi on the phone~~
A : * OMG please! like i'm going to cari gaduh lagi!* x payah la yer.... no!

then another colleague (B) came by and ask....
B : camner english diaorg..
S : oh... english diaorang PERFECT!
A : OH... I never said perfect!... whatever...

and then we left!!

okay.... u can insult just about everything about me but my english???? HELLOOOOOO!!
not bragging or bangga diri but my english is 1 of the things that makes me.. me!! quote gowri " if i don't have english, what do i have... i'm not good at anything else!"... i can speak proper english but there has to be occasion.. if not manglish all the way like every normal bilingual msian!!

safe to say a was pretty pissed off!! seriously if ur trying to sell ppl product like that, u don't go around insulting ur customers rite? ridiculous!

but revenge was sweet!!! nurul met the dude (based on aireena's description!) in alor setar.... story for another day~~ lol

what would u do?? i mean i was in a good mood that day just passing my BLS course.... so i malas wanna retaliate.... but isn't this a WTF kinda stories???