
narrow mindedness----WTH???

okay... you've guessed it... this is a post about the FATWA council.... first as an introduction i'll post an article...

After trousers, Malaysia Muslim body targets yoga

Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:26pm IST

KUALA LUMPUR (Reuters Life!) - Not content with banning women from wearing trousers, Malaysia's top Islamic council now wants a ban on yoga, according to a report on state news agency Bernama.

The National Fatwa Council's Deputy Director-General Othman Mustapha told reporters after a seminar on Islamic jurisprudence on Thursday that the announcement would be made soon.

Professor Zakaria Stapa of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia's Islamic Studies Centre told the seminar on Wednesday that Muslims who had taken up yoga should stop practising as it could damage their faith, Bernama said.

Last week the Fatwa Council decreed that tomboyish behaviour by girls, including wearing trousers, was immoral as it may lead to the practise of lesbian sex.

Gay sex is prohibited in this country of 27 million people where over half of the population is Muslim.

1) i think it's bloody hilarious!!! i mean we all noe that it has hindu origin... pls la we're not that stupid!!!

2) plus... nobody would think that by adopting good living practices, that your faith may be diverted!!! i mean if u didn't say it out loud for all ppl to hear, then nobody would even think it!!!

3) i think the FATWA council has too much time on their hands... they're bored so they're doing this for sport!!!! the idiots!!

4) they were trying to ban pants.... very good!!! now all girls can wear skirts... personally i just think they wanna make it easier for guys to 'selak' the skirt and have their way... and they're JEALOUS cos they can't wear skirts!!!

5) we all noe what they're really scared of!!! they're scared that the female sex is taking over the workforce which.... face it!!! we are~~~~

6) they should ban smoking.... it's healthier... but wait.. they can't cos there are still a few among them that smoke!!! cannot get majority vote~~~

7) if they're worried bout lesbianism... might as well start with abolishing all single sex schools!!! (i dread to think it... me being from girls school and all....) at the root as they say~~~ these ppl are not thinking.... i mean... if u're gay, ur gay... accept it and be done... it's a personal choice!!!!

8) if this actually happening, next time it's gonna be movies banned!! music banned!!! books banned!!! i'll migrate if that ever happens~~~

9) i wonder why they think that muslim ppl cannot think for themselves?? i mean seriously.... the phrase "it's between me and god" ring a bell???

10) i'm sure this is actually scaring away anybody interested in the religion.... as if we need anymore rules...

11) it all depends on the nawaitu!!!!! i wonder what nawaitu they had when they thought this ridiculous thing up!!???

anything else will be added later... anyone with suggestions are welcome... i'll even add it to my list!!!!!


SJ said...

hahahahah... they amused me. la la la..

i like wat u wrote dari #1 ke #11

nitzie said...

thanks sak!!! ;p

o_o said...

i tak sanggup nk pakai skirt or kain setiap masa...tak nakkkk!

goldnugget said...

aniza dear..the so-called ruling they wanna impose is hilarious n absurd..i feel embarrassed on behalf of them...plus i hate wearing skirts to do sales...i need to go to all the dirty places n u expect me to wear skirts..then maggots will start creeping on my legs..eiwww


nitzie said...

hana!!! u keje apa nie until maggots are around???

btw i know the ruling is stupid, u noe it, we all noe it... but somehow it escapes their oh-so-pandai brains....

Nurul Kassim said...

these ppl obviously come from the land of no-where, that is, the 'tempurungville'! damn stupid la!! sometimes i just wonder, these rules, is it undang2 islam or peraturan orang melayu? not being racist here, but lets face it, its total crap!

creme vanilla said...

gee if we're not allowed to wear trousers then i have no choice but to wear mini skirts. there's nothing racist about expressing our hatred for these ppl cos seriously, there brains must be the size of germs.. which is what they are!!

nitzie said...

i like that... the size of germs!!!! hahahahahahahaha

u noe what at the end of the day, undang2 islam is defined by man... hence they will manipulate the rules in such a way that it will suit their purposes!!!!